Entrance in Punkva’s cave

Author: Vanda Štěpánová      

Cooperation: Marek Štěpán, Lukáš Svoboda

The competition organizer:  ČR – Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny České republiky – Správa jeskyní Moravského krasu

Location: Punkevní jeskyně, okr. Blansko

Competition: 2003, 2. místo


We are standing in front of Punkvas caves, where is famous Macocha Abyss, the deepest one in czech republic and many other unique caves with limestone columns and colorful stalactic decoration.

We enter the object in the horizontal part and we appear in a hall with rising ceiling terminated with skylight. The ceiling hight follows the purpose of rooms and makes it playfull.  We used materials like concrete, stone and wood to smoothly follow the natural stucture.