Location: ul. Raisova, Brno - Nový Lískovec
Author: Vanda Štěpánová
Cooperation: Marek Štěpán, Jakub Staník
Landscape architect: Petr Förchtgott
Client: Statuární město Brno, městská část Brno - Nový Lískovec
Proposal: 2008-2011
Realization: 2009-2014
Land area: 60 000m2
The park was built as a part of rehabilitation center. It was a green area with different spots. The main principle ramins but we've transformed the content. For exemple there was a view point with a little swimming pool. We lifted the bottom of the pool and changed it in a pond. We removed a bridge leading to private property and made a new wooden one, strong enough for vehicles of park manager. The main attraction is an idea about new taller view point with magnificent view of Brno.